In the ongoing IPL 2023, star India batsman Virat Kohli was at his absolute best when he scored a century against Sunrisers Hyderabad. In order to remain in the playoff race, RCB had to win the match while chasing 187 runs. The former captain and Faf du Plessis (71 runs off 47 deliveries) established a phenomenal partnership of 172 runs to secure an eight-wicket victory. Harshal Patel, the pacer for the RCB, praised Kohli following the conclusion of the match, stating that his energy and dedication to the game are extraordinary to observe. Harshal Patel also lauded Kohli’s timing and spoke highly of his ability to run swiftly between wickets to keep the score moving.
“It’s difficult to bowl to him when he’s in motion. This is the mark of an outstanding player. Everyone knows that he is a superb player, so I do not need to state it. Without resorting to any gimmicks, merely by executing simple cricket strikes. The manner in which he faces the bowlers, even on a pitch as sluggish as this one. The type of shots he played and the type of sixes he struck. Clearly, he is not a power hitter. However, the coordination of his swing is phenomenal.
“His ability to continue taking twos for 20 overs without becoming fatigued. Even on the field, he is always bustling; in the last five overs, he is moving from long-off to long-on.
India Today quotes Harshal Patel as saying, “His enthusiasm and dedication to the game are remarkable to observe.”
Notably, due to Kohli’s 100 off just 63 deliveries, RCB was able to secure an effortless victory and climb to fourth place in the IPL standings. Next, on May 21 at M Chinnaswamy Stadium, the three-time playoff qualifiers will face the Gujarat Titans, and if they can defeat the defending champions, RCB will qualify for yet another playoff appearance. If fate is on their side, Faf du Plessis’ squad could also finish in the top two.