During the ongoing 2023 ODI World Cup in India, former Pakistani cricketer Umar Gul has accused Shadab Khan of “faking” his injury against South Africa. When Pakistani all-rounder Shadab attempted to run out Quinton de Kock during South Africa’s chase in Chennai on October 27, he struck his head on the ground. Following some care from the physical therapist, Shadab left the field in order to be safe from a concussion.
But Umar Gul doubted it after seeing his wound.
We’re not sure what kind of damage he sustained, but a few concerns are brought up. According to Gul on a Pakistani TV channel, “There are questions raised when you fall, claim you have a concussion, walk out, get checked out by a physiotherapist, and then after a while you talk to people on the sidelines and go inside again.”
Umar Gul suggesting Shadab Khan was faking his injury against South Africa (video courtesy ARY) #CWC23 #PAKvSA pic.twitter.com/wi7Nw6Vgrl
— Saj Sadiq (@SajSadiqCricket) October 28, 2023