Shikhar Dhawan, a veteran of Indian cricket, wrote a touching statement on his son Zoravar’s ninth birthday, sharing the emotional struggles of being apart from his son for a whole year. The cricket player shared his feelings about the distance and communication barrier between them in the message, which rapidly went viral on social media, revealing his struggles.
Speaking candidly on a podcast, Dhawan said that he was simply trying to share his inner feelings and wasn’t writing about pain. Adding that it was a sincere expression, he didn’t actually expect the message to go viral and published it to communicate love to his kid after they hadn’t spoken for five months. He also wanted to prevent spreading negativity. Dhawan also shared his hope that, in this technological age, his son would see his post and wish for his happiness. Shikhar Dhawan emphasizes that she doesn’t want to push a connection, even if she genuinely cares for him and admits to being emotionally distant.
“I didn’t feel discomfort. All I was doing was stating my opinions. I haven’t spoken to him in five months; at the time, I was merely venting. Being an emotional person, I was merely attempting to offer him love since if I am depressed while thinking about him, that bad energy will eventually find its way to him. I had no idea this would become a viral post. Dhawan stated in an open discussion on the Humans of Bombay podcast, “I just wrote it from my heart.”
“I wrote it hoping that, in this technological age, my son might come across my message. I hope he is content wherever he is and that he will visit me eventually. I am both disconnected and in love with him at the same time. “I want to avoid pressuring him,” he went on.
I’m striving to fulfill my responsibilities as a father: Shikhar Dhawan
Following their divorce from Ayesha Mukherjee last year, Shikhar Dhawan revealed that he sends messages to Zoravar on a daily basis, without knowing if they will be received. He acknowledged the issue and said that, despite the uncertainties, he is only trying to do everything that he is supposed to do for Zoaravar, his father, at this time.
I don’t know if he receives the texts I write to him every day or if he reads them. I’m not expecting anything. I’m on board with it. I’m attempting to fulfill my responsibilities as a father. He is missed. He went on, “I feel depressed, but I’ve learned to cope with it.
“On the occasions when I used to go see him, he was only permitted to meet twice, and even then, only for two or three hours. My son needs to be with me. Dhawan talked about the little time he had with his kid Zoravar and said, “I want to hug him.”
Many fans found resonance in Dhawan’s narrative, which resulted in a flood of encouragement. In addition to highlighting the difficulties he faces in his personal life, the cricket player—who will captain the Punjab Kings (PBKS) team in the forthcoming 2024 Indian Premier League (IPL)—also showed off a side of himself that exists outside of the game.