India captain Rohit Sharma was seen on camera urging the young players to get enough sleep the night before and not behave like they were “roaming in the garden” after the day’s play so they could be attentive the next day during the second Test match against England in Vizag. Following a historic series victory over England in Dharamshala, Rohit decided to address the issue when the audio of the same quickly went viral on social media.
After sharing a photo of himself with the kids following a historic series victory in Dharamsala, Rohit hilariously referred to Shubman Gill, Sarfaraz Khan, Dhruv Jurel, and Yashasvi Jaiswal as “Garden mein ghomne wale bande.” Notably, the young players step up to the plate and play outstanding cricket to help India win the series 4-1 despite missing key players like Mohammed Shami, KL Rahul, and Virat Kohli. After each game, the captain praised them, expressing his happiness with their performances across the series.
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A stage and a small amount of assurance were all the kids needed. Rohit Sharma
Following India’s series victory, Rohit spoke candidly about the role the youth played in enabling the country to defeat England. The 36-year-old said that all cricket players were gifted with skill and only required a small confidence boost and a stage to reach their full potential. He said that they received a great deal of comfort from the team management, which is why they achieved the intended outcome.
All of these guys are extremely gifted. All they required was a small amount of confidence and a venue. We didn’t want to burden them with more demands. We wanted to be certain that our first priority heading into the series would be to reassure them that they would be playing all five Test matches. The fact that everyone worries that they might be dropped if they perform poorly in a few Test matches, even though we may not accept it,. Rohit said to JioCinema, “The insecurity always seeps in.”
After winning the series, India rose to the top of the test rankings worldwide. They now hold the top spot in the WTC points table as well.