Rohit Sharma, the legendary captain of India, is still indebted to his father for his constant support and priceless advice. The cricketing guru recently had an emotional talk in which he discussed his modest upbringing and his father Gurunath Sharma’s unwavering tenacity. The Mumbaiker emphasised the significant influence of his father’s presence during his amazing journey.
The India opener hesitated at first when asked who his greatest idol was since the interviewer had assumed he would mention someone from the world of cricket. However, the India opener, who was beaming, mentioned his father and remarked, “He has said this many times, and the answer is the same.”
“My dad is my greatest hero. He struggled greatly while raising us, as I have stated numerous times. This battle yielded a very nice reward. Even though we were small, he made many sacrifices for us. On Vimal Kumar’s YouTube channel, the journalist and the hitman were having a conversation.
In the ICC Cricket World Cup 2023, Rohit Sharma will be guiding India from the front.
The stage is set for Rohit Sharma to command the Indian squad, beginning his first stint in this famous competition, as the cricketing world excitedly expects the next ODI World Cup. The 36-year-old has represented India in three World Cups, most recently in the 2015 and 2019 tournaments. Notably, the semi-finals of the last two seasons saw tragic interruptions for the “Men in Blue.”
With expectations sky-high, Rohit Sharma tenacious team is ready to make history and is anticipated to end India’s ten-year ICC title drought by joyfully lifting the coveted trophy in front of their fervent home audience. On October 8, the campaign will begin with a thrilling match versus Australia, which will take place at Chennai’s M.A. Chidambaram Stadium. The eagerly anticipated India vs. Pakistan game will take place on October 14.