The 2017 IPL season is anticipated to mark the final IPL season for legendary Chennai Super Kings (CSK) skipper MS Dhoni. With five titles under his belt, Dhoni is notably tied with Rohit Sharma for the record as the most successful captain in T20 history. The wicketkeeper-battler is renowned for having a “Midas touch” on the careers of athletes who, for some reason, are able to develop while playing for him.
England all-rounder Ben Stokes is one such athlete who has relished his time at MSD. It was recently disclosed by former England skipper Eoin Morgan that Stokes enjoyed playing for both CSK and the Rising Pune Supergiants under Dhoni. Notably, Stokes participated in the 2023 Indian Premier League for Chennai after the team paid INR 16.25 crore to obtain his services.
Ben Stokes, a player known for his extraordinary self-belief, enjoyed playing for MS Dhoni. He worked for a few years in Pune, and last year, he was undoubtedly in the same dressing room as him. Morgan stated on Jio Cinema, “They adore donning that yellow shirt.”
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Interestingly, Stokes debuted with Dhoni in the Rising Pune Supergiants in 2017. Later, he led CSK in play, although he was limited to two games by a knee injury. Due to his inability to handle his workload, the all-round player will not be playing for the team in the future season.
MS Dhoni alters every player for good.
Morgan added, “Dhoni leaves an indelible mark on every player by instilling the belief to play with the pride associated with CSK.” This speaks volumes about Dhoni’s leadership abilities.
“To be honest, they really enjoy it. The same qualities are discussed. “Will the team follow him?” is a common question you hear when discussing excellent leadership. You never doubt that when it comes to MS Dhoni. He permanently alters every gamer. He teaches them that they can play with the pride that comes with being a part of CSK and that everyone is rooting for them,” he continued.