The Mumbai Indians named Hardik Pandya their new captain ahead of the Indian Premier League 2024, replacing veteran leader Rohit Sharma. Since then, cricket commentators and supporters have expressed a variety of viewpoints, and Pandya, the new captain, has been subjected to a great deal of jeering on the pitch as well as trolling by internet users. On social media, a few videos from MI camp have gone viral, and viewers have seen a shift in the team’s culture. MI is a five-time champion.
Also read: Tim David justifies MI’s bowling strategy vs SRH
Mumbai’s batting coach, Kieron Pollard and pace bowling coach, Lasith Malinga, were seated in the dugout during the team’s recent match against Sunrisers Hyderabad. But as soon as Pandya approached them, the Sri Lankan jumped up from his chair and headed for the dressing room, suggesting that there would be a falling out between Malinga and the native of Baroda. People’s responses to the same video have varied on social media as it has gone viral.
View the widely shared video here:
There is clearly tension visible in the Mumbai Indians team.. with divided camps of Hardik Pandya and Rohit Sharma..
— Keh Ke Peheno (@coolfunnytshirt) March 28, 2024