Cricket icon Virat Kohli of India told a funny story about his meeting with tennis great Novak Djokovic. According to Kohli, he was half-expecting it to be a joke when he received a direct message (DM) from Djokovic on Instagram. Kohli revealed this in a recent conversation.
In a different interview, Djokovic highlighted the remarkable accomplishments of India’s top batsman and noted that, despite never having met in person, they continued to communicate via text. The 35-year-old acknowledged Djokovic with respect in return for the admiration. The surprising disclosure gave their friendship—which extends beyond the confines of their respective sports—a special new dimension. These two international sports icons have a close bond.
“I spoke with Novak quite naturally. I believe I accidentally hit the message button while browsing his Instagram page. Maybe I should just say hi. Subsequently, I noticed a direct message from him on my account. Virat Kohli stated in a video that BCCI posted, “I never opened it myself.”
I noticed that he had messaged me personally for the first time. And I thought, Let me just see whether this is a phony account or whatever. We started conversing when I double-checked it and found it to be authentic. We continue to communicate via messages on occasion,” he continued.
This is the most recent BCCI video.
𝗦𝗽𝗲𝗰𝗶𝗮𝗹 𝗙𝗲𝗮𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲
Virat Kohli 🤝 Novak Djokovic
Two 🐐 🐐, one special bond 💙
Virat Kohli shares the story about his newest “text buddy” 👌👌 – By @ameyatilak#TeamIndia | @imVkohli | @DjokerNole | @AustralianOpen
𝙋.𝙎. – “Hey Novak 👋 – Good luck at AO”
— BCCI (@BCCI) January 14, 2024
After my 50th hundred, Djokovic emailed me this kind message: Virat Kohli
Global cricket sensation Novak Djokovic expressed love for the tennis maestro, who has an amazing record of 24 Grand Slam men’s singles titles. As he thought back on their friendship, the former captain of India said that the great Serbian had congratulated him on reaching the milestone of 50 ODI centuries, surpassing Sachin Tendulkar. Along with expressing mutual admiration between the two sporting superstars, the daring batter
“I sent him my congratulations on all of his incredible accomplishments. He published a piece and wrote me a really kind greeting when I recently received my 50th [ODI] century. Mutual respect, admiration, and a pleasant connection with international athletes who are performing at a higher level have been there. In a way, I believe that collectively, it’s inspiring the future generation,” Kohli remarked