After being accused of defrauding former Indian cricket captain MS Dhoni, Mihir Diwakar, the CEO of Aarka Sports, has denied any wrongdoing. There have been rumours of a lawsuit involving MS Dhoni, Diwakar, and his partner, in which the former has accused the latter of breaching a contract and embezzling INR 15 crore. But Diwakar issued a statement on Sunday, January 7, rejecting the charges as “baseless.”
He retaliated, claiming that MS Dhoni was the one who had damaged his standing in the sports world and led him to lose money. Diwakar stated that in 2017, the batsman-wicketkeeper had granted approval for a collaborative project that involves founding international cricket academies; this collaboration has not been canceled. In an effort to maintain his standing in the legal issue, Diwakar has accused Dhoni of being disrespectful. He also refutes any fraudulent behaviour in the ongoing situation.
“With great grief and distress, I would want to make it clear that the false information spread by print and electronic media about my cheating on MSD is completely untrue. The only intention behind this is to harm my name in society and the sports community in particular, so that I can suffer financial losses,” Mihir wrote on ‘X’.
Check out Diwakar’s ‘X’ post here:
The Electronic and Print Media,
With utmost pain and consternation I wish to clarify that the story implanted and run on electronic and print media about cheating #msd is utterly baseless and is done to defame me to destroy my social…
— Mihir Diwakar (@mihir_diwakar) January 5, 2024
MS Dhoni is not the one who owes me money.
Diwakar refuted MS Dhoni claim, claiming that he is not in debt and that several academies directly owe Dhoni money. The player, who was born in Almora, was also accused of misleading Neuglobal Upajvardhak India Limited, a company. The argument between the two parties grew more heated when Diwakar claimed that Dhoni’s crew had made up accusations against him.
“Meanwhile, I would also like to bring to your knowledge that I do not owe MSD any money; rather, he has to pay certain amounts to me that have been collected from academies directly by him,” he stated.