Former players Gautam Gambhir and Sreesanth got into a violent argument during the Legends League Cricket (LLC) match between the India Capitals and Gujarat Giants. His teammates and the officials split the pair apart, but things didn’t end there. In a video he uploaded on social media, the elite pacer said that Gambhir lacks respect for both his teammates and more experienced players like Virender Sehwag.
Gautam Gambhir also mentioned some facts regarding his past, according to Sreesanth.
The 40-year-old said that the facts would be revealed later and withheld any further information. Along with making fun of his commentary, he said that the opener doesn’t like to talk about Virat Kohli while he’s on TV and that he didn’t say anything to Gambhir in return.
— Out Of Context Cricket (@GemsOfCricket) December 7, 2023
“I just wanted to address the situation involving Mr. Fighter, who constantly picks fights with all of his coworkers without any justification at all. Many others, including Viru Bhai (Virender Sehwag), are among his older players whom he shows no respect for. That’s precisely what transpired this day. He just kept calling me names without any justification or provocation, which is extremely impolite and shouldn’t have come from Mr. Gautam Gambhir.
“I’m not at all to blame. You will all eventually learn about what Mr. Gauti has done. His statements and the language he used on the cricket field are unacceptable. If one does not appreciate one’s colleague, what good is it to represent people? Even when questioned about Virat (Kohli) while broadcasting, he talks about anything else. In a widely shared video, Sreesanth stated, “I don’t want to go into more detail; I just wanted to say that I am very hurt.”
Gambhir’s India Capitals, meanwhile, overcame Gujarat by a margin of 12 runs to advance to Qualifier 2, where they will take on Manipal Tigers.