During the one-off Test match between India Women and South Africa Women in Chennai, Indian spinner Rajeshwari Gayakwad displayed a flash of genius on the pitch. She dismissed Tumi Sekhukhune in the third innings of the contest with a lightning-fast direct hit, which turned the tide of the play and brought the visitors closer to defeat.
The hosts dominated the four-day Test match right from the beginning. Following their first-inning declaration with the highest-ever total of 603/6, which was driven by 205 from Shafali Verma and 149 from Smriti Mandhana.
Subsequently, India dismissed the Proteas for 266 runs in their opening half. Having to continue, the visitors fared better against India’s bowling attack in their second innings, but they were still unable to sustain their resistance.
Gayakwad’s brilliance in fielding occurred at a pivotal moment on day four, following a fierce battle between Laura Wolvaardt and Sune Luus to salvage the Test. With South Africa at 324/6 in the 135th over of their second innings, Pooja Vastrakar hit a back-of-a-length pitch to Nadine de Klerk. Calling for a single, De Klerk nipped it to the off-side.
Also read: Shafali Verma wears a helmet during fielding at covers in the Chepauk Test between IND-W vs SA-W
Nevertheless, there was a mix-up when her companion Sekhukhune was seen observing the ball rather than answering the call. From a distance, Rajeshwari Gayakwad took advantage of the situation. She made a precise throw that struck the stumps straight, stopping Sekhukhune just short of her crease, with lightning-fast reflexes after she caught the ball.
The video is available here.
— Azam Khan (@AzamKhan6653) July 1, 2024
The South African innings collapsed as a result of the dismissal, which destroyed a partnership. The visitors’ chances of salvaging a draw were further dashed when Sneh Rana claimed the wicket of Sinalo Jafta shortly after.
SA was bowled out for 373 by the Indian bowlers, who performed an outstanding job. India were up 2-0 in this multi-format series, including the three-match ODI victory, needing just 37 runs to win the Test match, which they achieved with 10 wickets remaining.