Kevin Pietersen, the former captain of England, is optimistic that India would create spin-friendly tracks for the forthcoming five-match series, which will begin in Hyderabad on January 25. When he talked about it, he brought up the notorious Cape Town incident, in which India beat South Africa in fewer than five sessions, setting a record for the shortest Test match ever won by balls.
In a statement following the game, captain Rohit Sharma said that his side will not be complaining about the pitch and that he expects other teams visiting the subcontinent to follow suit .Kevin Pietersen also voiced his worries about England’s spin options during this time. The most experienced spinner in the team is Jack Leach, who has appeared in 35 Test matches; Rehan Ahmed has only participated in one. Conversely, Shoaib Bashir and Tom Hartley have not yet made their national team debuts.
“Can England produce with the spinners they have?” is the question. The series will be determined by that. It will rotate. The other day, I did in fact play at Vizag (Visakhapatnam). In a T20 match, it bounced and twirled! Kevin Pietersen said in The Times that “they won’t be shy in preparing something that spins, and they will say, ‘Let’s see what you’ve got,” in light of the events that occurred in Cape Town the other week.
Kevin Pietersen thinks that you cannot bat if you have no defense.
Kevin Pietersen gave an open discussion about the craft of ball defense during the Bazball era. He thinks that the cricket players should practice defending in the nets for a while because it will boost their confidence to attack in the future. He reassured that playing defense does not have a bad effect because it might assist cricket players relax more quickly.
It’s quite simple: you can’t bat if you don’t have a defense. Without a defense, scoring runs will simply be luck. I would spend a lot of time in the nets simply playing defense because it isn’t harmful at all. Your confidence to launch an attack is bolstered by your skill to protect. Play straight lines, don’t put your front foot down, wait for the ball, and don’t only use your hands to play. The 43-year-old stated, “If you can accomplish that and have the resources to be able to commit to a strong defense and trust it, then it allows you to loosen up.”