The Mumbai Indians (MI) have recently issued a strong warning to fans about the practice of insulting players online during the ongoing controversy surrounding Hardik Pandya. The hosts of MI Live sent out a strong message, asking fans and anyone on social media to refrain from making fun of or attacking players. This decision from the IPL team comes after the Hardik Pandya-Rohit Sharma controversy. Pandya was the target of abuse and mocking from certain MI supporters after he was named captain, replacing the legendary “Hitman.”
With a video showcasing their host pleading with fans not to act in this way, Mumbai Indians posted on social media platform X. They declared their strong opposition to trolling and emphasized their duty as go-betweens for the club and its supporters. The presenter asked fans to refrain from picking on players and strongly condemned the use of foul language, bringing up a specific incident in which Pandya, a parent, was the focus of abusive comments on social media.
Below is Mumbai Indians most recent post on ‘X’:
No place for trolls ❌
Our #MILive hosts have an important message to give. #OneFamily #IPLAuction #MumbaiIndians
— Mumbai Indians (@mipaltan) December 19, 2023
Action that made social media oppose MI
After being named captain, Pandya’s supporters, the Mumbai Indians, took a hard line against him. insulting comments made on his social media posts and even the burning of MI jerseys served as examples of this. In addition to highlighting the need for polite interaction between cricket fans and players, MI’s action to address online behavior demonstrates a proactive approach against trolling.
Ahead of the IPL 2024 season, Hardik Pandya will take over as captain from Rohit Sharma, which surprised some but wasn’t totally unexpected for many. Following the sad loss in the 2023 World Cup finals, there had been a lot of speculation on Sharma’s future in the shortest format. Still, the doubts about Sharma’s role were temporarily allayed when he declared his intention to win the T20 World Cup.