In the ongoing Asia Cup, Indian spinner Kuldeep Yadav, who has been in outstanding form in white-ball cricket, continues to show off his talent by helping his team win games on two separate days. His outstanding effort not only helped India win consecutive matches, but it also helped him reach a crucial milestone in his cricket career.
In the Asia Cup match against Pakistan, Kuldeep Yadav’s enchanted bowling produced a five-wicket haul for him. By confusing the Pakistani batters and leading India to an important victory on the reserve day, he showed subtlety and control. He didn’t stop there, though. Kuldeep once again showed his mettle in the subsequent game against Sri Lanka by taking four wickets and helping India defend its modest 213-run total.
In addition to giving India victory, this remarkable wicket tally was a notable accomplishment for the spinner. Kuldeep Yadav is the fastest Indian spinner to reach the 150-victory mark in One Day Internationals (ODIs) with just 88 games played. He outdid the illustrious Anil Kumble, who claimed 150 wickets in 106 games. Kuldeep is the fourth-fastest spinner to attain this milestone in the history of international spin bowling, only falling short of Saqlain Mushtaq (78 matches), Rashid Khan (80 matches), and Ajantha Mendis (84 matches).
Spinners reached 150 ODI wickets the fastest.
Saqlain Mushtaq (78)
Rashid Khan, age 80
Ajantha Mendis, age 84
Kuldeep Yadav (88)
Imran Tahir (no. 89)
Kuldeep Yadav received high appreciation from Rohit Sharma
The left-arm spinner has been bowling exceptionally well over the past year or two, Team India skipper Rohit Sharma said in the post-game interview. He has worked so hard to improve his rhythm. He worked on it again at the drawing board. The ball is coming out wonderfully, and the outcomes of the previous 10 ODIs are evident.