In the second Test of the series, the Indian squad stunned South Africa with a historic victory. After the first match in Centurion, the Rohit Sharma-led team had nothing to lose, but they came to play in Cape Town and won by seven wickets to tie the series at one. KL Rahul was as confused as the general public as the second Test turned out to be the shortest ever in terms of balls bowled. KL Rahul said, “It felt like the game got over right after the toss,” reflecting on the historic Test win and how nobody understood how the match played out.
The fact that we have won in Cape Town for the first time is obviously really happy news. We were always competitive when we came here for our third series, but we lost the Test match because we batted poorly in a particular period. We are incredibly grateful for this victory, which is truly unique. To be honest, nobody can really grasp what you’re feeling. The match seemed to have ended as soon as the toss was made, Rahul said, according to Star Sports.
With some preparation and a small shift of mindset, KL Rahul
KL Rahul also discussed how India benefited from the Centurion defeat in Cape Town. It is important to note that India lost the first Test by an innings and 32 runs, but KL Rahul believed that the visitors’ mindset had changed, allowing them to tie the series.
“A tiny bit of preparation and a tiny shift in perspective. We cannot claim that we were unprepared for the most recent Test match. Although the opposition occasionally really blows you out of a test match, we were prepared for that. KL Rahul remarked, “We’re not used to it.
Over the past four to five years, we have been a competitive team. Except for India, we won the series. Thus, we weren’t prepared for that. For us, it was an enormous hit. That’s clear from how much we love representing our country, how much we enjoy playing Test cricket, and how much Test victories outside of India mean to us,” he continued.