The song “Ram Siya Ram” serenaded spinner Keshav Maharaj as he approached the crease during the second Test match between South Africa and India in Cape Town, which led to a heartfelt exchange. With a hint of reverence from Virat Kohli, the religious music set the tone for a beautiful event. Kohli, positioned at slips, greeted Maharaj’s arrival with folded hands and symbolic bow-and-arrow motions, capturing a romantic moment on the pitch.
Keshav Maharaj talked about the captivating musical accompaniment and how appropriate it was for the moment. Capturing the essence of sportsmanship and togetherness, the stunning sight garnered a lot of attention on social media. Maharaj reflected on this magical moment, praised the special resonance produced by the song “Ram Siya Ram,” and played against strong opponents such as India.
“My entrance song is that one. I believe the song is appropriate because I am a follower of Lord Hanuman and Lord Ram. It was a really excellent challenge and an extremely interesting series because India is always a formidable opponent and you have to test yourself against the best in the world to be the best in the world,” Keshav Maharaj stated, as reported by Daily Times.
The sound of Ram Siya Ram playing in the background is pleasant to hear as you leave. Keshav Maharaj
Every time he stepped into the crease, the 33-year-old explained the logic behind the playing of “Ram Siya Ram.” He disclosed that he had personally asked for the media to play the devotional music, attributing it to his inspiration as he gave thanks to God for his successful career. Maharaj proved his crucial role in the 2023 ODI World Cup by securing 15 dismissals in 10 matches while maintaining an economy rate of 4.15. Maharaj claimed five wickets in as many appearances against India across formats.
Of course, I asked the media person to play the music, which is something I brought up. God has been the source of my greatest blessings, providing me with direction and opportunities. Thus, it’s the least I can do and it also helps you relax. According to Maharaj, it is a pleasant experience to hear “Ram Siya Ram” playing in the background as you exit (into the ground).