The charismatic Team India batsman KL Rahul spoke openly about his stunning comeback to the international cricket stage in an exclusive interview with Star Sports. Rahul, who scored his sixth ODI century and displayed exceptional skill, opened up about his time on the field. He talked about his initial nerves, how the weather-related interruption of the game affected him, and his thrilling partnership with Virat Kohli, who also reached a century milestone during their unbeaten partnership.
Speaking about his return to the team and how he settled in to notch his sixth ODI century, India batsman KL Rahul said, “Obviously, this is my first international match in a very long time. I participated in a few exhibition games, but as we all know, the level of competition is not the same. So I had that initial trepidation as I stepped in.
It took me ten to fifteen balls to simply cool down, begin moving, and start thinking rationally. Then, after I over one or two limits, all of those things—including the haziness in your vision—went away, and everything returned to normal. I was examining the ball and the circumstance, and you can see what needs to be done.
But just when I was getting into a routine, it started to rain. Unfortunately, it began to rain, so I was forced to wait for the entire day. We had to wait for the innings to begin when we returned today. I therefore had to start the innings over. Again, the first 10-15 balls were a little unsettling, but once you get going and start hitting a couple balls down the middle, you forget about those things and start focusing on where you can score runs and what you need to do. So, yeah, that’s how I felt, and when you play continuously, that doesn’t happen very frequently.
KL Rahul also discussed his undefeated partnership with Virat Kohli, who smacked a century of his own, saying, “He has scored 13,000 runs.
I have nothing to say about that man; he is simply extraordinary. It’s difficult to put into words what a fantastic cricketer he is, and I’ve always felt at ease playing beside him in the middle. We exercise a lot. He doesn’t just run hard for himself; he runs incredibly hard for his buddy as well, and we have terrific communication. We’ve both been in those circumstances previously, and we both truly enjoy them.
He initially gave me some time since he realised that I needed to feel at ease and confident in my body before I could obtain those rapid singles. After that, everything simply flowed. He was concentrating on what he does best, which provided me some time to start playing my strokes and get into the game. We were simply reiterating to ourselves that we needed to play cricket properly and play to our abilities.