Alyssa Healy, the captain of Australia’s women’s cricket team, recently shared a hilarious handshake incident that happened with Harmanpreet Kaur, her Indian counterpart, during their recent subcontinent trip. Australia triumphed in the T20I and ODI series and continued to rule the white-ball formats, even though India won the one Test match. During the lunch break of Australia’s opening Test match against the West Indies, former England captain Michael Vaughan teased Alyssa Healy about the awkward handshake event on Fox Cricket, sparking a conversation about it.
Similar in their aggressive playing styles, Alyssa Healy and Harmanpreet have set themselves apart from women who have taken a more conventional approach, such as Mithali Raj.
, who is renowned for taking initiative in both her batting and wicketkeeping roles, frequently finds herself taking on the position of the cool head among the team’s boisterous members. The Australian team’s triumph in the T20I and ODI series demonstrated their strength in the limited-overs games, notwithstanding the incident involving the handshake.
“I’ll admit, it was tense. Pre- and post-game handshakes were not particularly common. We did shake hands at the conclusion of the day following our victory in the final Twenty20 match to seal the series. Make sure to maintain eye contact then. I believe I can defend myself, and the picture proves it—I was smiling, making eye contact, and ready to go. That’s just the way things are. Healy said, “Go on,” in response to Vaughan’s question regarding the handshake, as reported by The Weekly Times.
A demanding tournament awaits Australia’s women before the T20 World Cup.
Meg Lanning, who is currently retired and playing domestic cricket, handed over the captaincy to Alyssa Healy. Australia is preparing for the T20 World Cup in Bangladesh in September by playing South Africa in T20Is and ODIs later this month.
The Australian women’s team has won six of the eight T20 World Cups, including the last three, giving them an outstanding record. The team is still a powerful force in women’s cricket as they get ready for new challenges.